Top Tips For Transitioning Your HVAC From Summer to Autumn
It is difficult to even think about cooler weather when you are still in the midst of the peak of summer heat. But it will come and adjustment will have to be made, and you will finally feel some relief from the heat.
As a Kansas City homeowner, it is a good idea to be prepared to make this transition. Aside from reducing your energy costs, it can help prolong the lifespan of your heating and cooling system.
- Time to turn off that air conditioning at night, or at least adjust the thermostat accordingly and drastically. A common mistake homeowners make is to leave it on a summer setting and then just bundle up in the covers to stay warm. Save money and make the Eco-friendly choice by using less AC while you sleep through cooler nights
- Break out those fans and open the windows because that's the best method for temperature control during this seasonal transition. Floor fans and ceiling fans are a great way to keep things cool during the daytime in the early stages of fall, plus it circulates the air. Add to that open windows and you will get some fresh air and an opportunity to air out the house.
- Get ready to schedule your AC tune-up service. Your HVAC should have scheduled maintenance twice a year. The best time to do this is right before your system is going to be working the hardest. So, the spring before summer hits and the fall before winter starts are the ideal times.
Scheduling Service
For maintenance or repairs to your HVAC, as summer comes to an end, you can count on the Ultra Heating and Cooling LLC team. We take great pride in the work that we do and that is evident from the results that we get for each of our clients.